What Happens to Pet if You Die - Picture of Dog on Walk in Golden Hour

Where Do Pets Go When We Die?

No one wants to think about death but the reality is, we aren’t getting out of here alive. If you’ve stumbled upon this post, it’s likely because you love your pets. Many of us plan for our deaths, draw up wills, divide valuables, and even prepay for funeral expenses. Surprisingly, our beloved pets are often left out of this important process. Even prior to the pandemic, we saw countless pets go from a loving home to a shelter overnight because of the unexpected passing of their owner(s). You cannot count on friends or family members to take in your devoted furry family members. Do not assume someone will step up. Time and time again, we see no one does. You must have a conversation with those you trust and reach an agreement to provide for and love your pets after you are gone. Some suggestions for making sure our four-legged companions are cared for in the event of our death include:

  • Naming a new owner (a beneficiary of your pet) in your will and leaving that person money to provide the standard of care your pet is used to.
  • Create a pet trust to leave money for the care of your pet.
  • Make arrangements with a charitable organization to provide for or find your pet a loving home.

Some organizations find loving homes for the pets of owners, others will care for your pet for its lifetime, if you make a large (commonly, around $10,000 to $25,000) gift. Here are a few of these programs but obviously starting local would be more convenient for anyone involved in sorting your estate.

Lastly, ensure you have relationships with people that not only check in on you but know you have pets. If something happens, this person can take action to ensure your pets are not home alone without proper care.

We aren’t guaranteed any time on this planet, but we can guarantee the people and pets we love are provided for to the best of our abilities upon our death. Don’t put off this very important part of estate planning. Your pets count on you, for everything!


Donating to PETS Clinic Nonprofit Endowment

Your gift can LIVE forever.

We all know non-profits’ biggest hurdle is financial. Big hearts don’t pay the bills and lifesaving, community-changing work in any form is expensive.

We now have our forever home. We have a sustainable business model that has carried itself for 15 years with no debt and a philanthropic component allowing for free services and aide in many ways each year. We have a history of data proving the impact we create in Wichita Falls. The next obvious step for PETS Clinic is an endowment to ensure our work, your support, and the pets we serve never wane.

An endowment is an invested pool of money that provides a reliable source of income in perpetuity that PETS Clinic can count on annually for distributions. We are able to accept cash or stocks and can work directly with your financial planner to make your forever support easy!

What is our work together worth? We are the boots on the ground, but you furnish the boots. We couldn’t do it without you.  Will you help us guarantee our progress together continues for generations to come by making a major gift towards our endowment? Your gift would not be spent. Instead, it would live forever, generating revenue that would support our clinic indefinitely.

How awesome to give a major gift and know it will last forever! Can we count on your help?

Your gift to our organization will be preserved in an organizational endowment so it will always help us save lives and never diminish in size. This ensures your legacy creates an impact in our community in perpetuity.

We would love to visit with you about a bequest to PETS Clinic.
Contact Leslie Harrelson at Leslie@petsclinic.org for more information.
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