14 Tips for Pets at Christmas

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Meet Ping (left) and Pong (right). These cuties are 2 of my personal pets and we wanted to take this opportunity to share 14 Tips for Pets at Christmas with you. In addition to PETS most recent blog showcasing Winter safety tips like extra food and adequate shelter, holidays can pose new threats to pets that you may not have considered.

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Christmas Pet Safety Tips 1: Christmas Tree and Holiday Plant Reminders

Consider your pet’s curiosity while decorating.

  1. Do not hang lights or tinsel low enough on the tree to tempt them. Lights may not only be a fire hazard but also possibly shock your pet if they chew on them.
  2. Tinsel is impossible to ignore especially for nosy cats. Sadly, ingested tinsel can become tangled in the digestive tract and is usually only remedied with surgery.
  3. Beware of pine needles that can also cause serious damage if swallowed by puncturing your pet’s digestive tract.
  4. Some wrapping, ribbons, bows, and strings can result in GI obstruction as well.
  5. Remember, it’s not just about your tree, choose safe places to display your Christmas plants. Poinsettias, Holly, and Mistletoe are all poisonous to your pets.


Christmas Pet Safety Tips 2: Holiday Foods Safety Tips

Traditional foods we love are not good for our pets. 

  1. Fatty and spicy leftovers should not be fed to Fido. Turkey skin is especially hard to digest and can lead to pancreatitis.
  2. No Bones about it. Do not feed your pet cooked bones. They can splinter and result in a Holiday Emergency instead of Holiday cheer.
  3. Your pets are never of age. Keep your holiday spirits out of their reach. Alcohol can be poisonous and even deadly to your furry family member.
  4. Don’t be a nut. Make sure walnuts and macadamia nuts do not find their way into your pet’s mouth. Your dog can have a toxic reaction to both.
  5. Holiday spice isn’t nice for everyone. Many of the spices we use for our holiday staples are dangerous to your pet. Sage can upset your pet’s stomach while nutmeg can cause seizures and other neurological problems if ingested.
  6. Your pet is sweet enough. Everyone knows chocolate is a no-no but basically, anything sweet can cause stomach trouble or worse for your pet.


Christmas Pet Safety Tips 3: Vital Outdoor Safety Rules to Follow

Whether you are the Griswald’s or the Grinch, make sure all outdoor electric decor is properly insulated and taped to the wall or buried. 

  1. Pets may chew on extension cords and be electrocuted.
  2. They may become tangled and strangled on low hanging lights.
  3. Make sure yard ornaments are out of reach. Materials may be toxic and/or cause GI obstructions if ingested.

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Happy Holidays from PETS!

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Christmas is such a fun time for the whole family. Keep everyone on your Christmas List safe this year by following these helpful 14 Tips for Pets at Christmas. Thank you for sharing your home with a furry love one. We hope you have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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