Transport from Rural Areas

Currently available to communities surrounding Wichita Falls, P.E.T.S. offers transport from rural areas to the clinic for spay and neuter surgeries. Find the closest city to you in the list below and use the contact information listed to arrange a spot on our next rural transport in your area.


The first Wednesday of the month. Call Maureen Steed at 940-781-6229 to schedule your dog or cat for a spay or neuter surgery


The second Wednesday of each month. Call 940-229-8053 to schedule your dog or cat for a spay or neuter surgery.


The third Wednesday of each month. Call 940-552-5373 to schedule your dog or cat for a spay or neuter surgery.


The fourth Wednesday of each month. Call 940-549-1629 to schedule your dog or cat for a spay or neuter surgery.

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