Ready to Become a 2025 PETS Clinic Sponsor?
Select a Clinic to Sponsor Below:
How Donations Work
Please select the location of the P.E.T.S. Clinic you would like to support. Donations to each branch of P.E.T.S. stay local to that specific branch. Therefore, donations to the Wichita Falls branch of P.E.T.S. serve dogs and cats in the Wichita Falls area while donations made to the Amarillo branch of P.E.T.S. serve dogs and cats in the Amarillo area, and a donation to the Lubbock clinic will serve cats and dogs in the Lubbock area.
P.E.T.S. Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic
3001 Central Fwy., Wichita Falls, Texas 76306
EIN: 68-0648159
If you setup a recurring donation without an end date please contact to change your card info, cancel your recurring, or update your amount donated monthly.
If you have previously made a donation AND created an online profile for your donor account, you can use this button to login. If you’d like to create an account you can do so when donating or through this button. (It may take up to two business days for your past donations to appear under your new donor login when first creating an account.)