Amarillo P.E.T.S. Pack 2020

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A pack is a group of animals working together as one to survive. As a supporter of P.E.T.S. of Amarillo, you are part of our pack. Our goal isn’t our own survival. Our goal is the survival of cats and dogs throughout our community and beyond. As part of our pack, you have made a difference in the lives of countless pets and their owners.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]This year, you worked with us to open P.E.T.S. in Amarillo! Now pet owners facing hardship have a local low-cost option for spays and neuters along with preventative services like vaccines, flea & tick preventative, and all our preventative medications. You make this possible. Now, with your sponsorship during our annual campaign, we can work to provide spay and neuter surgeries for those who cannot afford our services. Together, we will lower the local euthanasia rate and reduce overpopulation to levels we would not have thought possible in our area and our pack is not stopping there.

In 2020, we plan to do even more than discounting our services further for those with proof of financial hardship. We will begin to make plans for programs specifically aimed at helping low income pet owners in Amarillo. How will this help with overpopulation and euthanasia? Our programs will help pets stay with the owners that love them. This will mean fewer dogs and cats turned over to local shelters and abandoned by owners. We will be ecstatic to share the details of new programs as funding allows.

Here’s what you can do. We call our annual campaign for sponsorships the “P.E.T.S. Pack.” You will be listed on our clinic wall by levels of giving and on our website! Businesses joining at the Delta level or higher get a link from our website back to yours.

We also ask that you consider a monthly recurring donation for your sponsorship. We hope that those who might give a $250 gift consider a $500 gift by spreading it out to $41.67 monthly, or a $1000 gift by spreading it out to $83.33 monthly. Those who set up monthly recurring donations will be listed for the yearly total of their recurring donation.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]P.E.T.S. Pack Levels are as follows:

Zeta – $250

Gamma – $350

Delta – $500

Beta – $1000

Alpha – $5000

Leaders of the Pack – $10000[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Thank you for everything you do for our local companion animals!
Dacia Anderson

Executive Director of P.E.T.S. of Amarillo

PS All donations and sponsorships to P.E.T.S. of Amarillo stay local to help Prevent Euthanasia Through Sterilization and lower overpopulation in Amarillo and throughout the Panhandle.

Click here to join the P.E.T.S. Pack as an Annual Campaign Sponsor!

Alternatively, you can mail your sponsorship donation check to:

P.E.T.S. of Amarillo
2500 SW 6th Ave.
Amarillo, TX 79106[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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